Project Overview


Plus Power is developing a 100 MW / 400 MWh state-of-the-art battery energy storage system to provide clean, firm capacity to Virginia’s electric system. The Crossroads Energy Storage facility will be located on approximately 7 acres of land on a portion of an industrially zoned parcel.

The Crossroads Energy Storage facility will interconnect to the utility on a 115kV line at the Deep Creek substation directly adjacent to the project site. The project’s Site Plan is under review by the City of Chesapeake. 

The 2028 completion of the Crossroads facility will ensure energy reliability, supporting the state’s Clean Energy Virginia initiative to drive local investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency, and to help achieve the Executive Order Forty-Three and Virginia Clean Economy Act mandates for a 100% carbon-free grid by 2050. Those mandates require all coal-fired power plants in the state to close by 2024. The Crossroads Energy Storage facility will help provide replacement capacity for the retiring fossil fuel plants while balancing higher amounts of low-cost, emission-free renewable energy on the grid. Situated in a light industrial zone directly adjacent to the Deep Creek substation, the Crossroads Energy Storage project site is an optimal location for new energy infrastructure, just two substations away from Dominion’s Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project. 

Proposed Site Layout